Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences
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- Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences
The Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences at Afro-Asian University is dedicated to the study and interpretation of the Quran, Islam’s central religious text. It offers comprehensive courses covering various aspects of Quranic studies, including tafseer (exegesis), Quranic sciences, memorization, recitation, and thematic analysis. The department aims to provide students with a profound understanding of the Quran’s meanings, context, and implications for personal and communal guidance. Through rigorous academic inquiry, research, and application, students are prepared to become knowledgeable scholars and practitioners capable of effectively engaging with the Quranic text and applying its teachings in diverse contexts.
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Opportunities
The Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences aims to achieve several learning outcomes for its students, including:
Comprehensive Understanding: Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the Quran, its language, context, and interpretation methodologies.
Quranic Interpretation Skills: They will acquire the skills to interpret the Quranic verses, exploring various classical and contemporary commentaries and applying critical analysis.
Research Proficiency: Students will develop proficiency in conducting Quranic research, including identifying relevant sources, analyzing data, and presenting findings effectively.
Critical Thinking: The program fosters critical thinking skills, enabling students to evaluate different interpretations and perspectives on Quranic issues.
Ethical Awareness: Students will cultivate ethical awareness and integrity in their study and interpretation of the Quran, respecting diverse interpretations and viewpoints.
Communication Skills: The program emphasizes effective communication skills, enabling students to articulate Quranic concepts clearly and persuasively in both oral and written forms.
Application of Knowledge: Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences in practical contexts, such as teaching, research, counseling, and community leadership.
Lifelong Learning: The department promotes a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging students to continue their exploration and study of the Quran beyond their formal education.
The Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences equips students with a deep understanding of the Quran and its interpretation, preparing them for various career opportunities such as:
- Islamic Scholars: Graduates can become scholars, leading religious institutions, teaching, and delivering sermons.
- Religious Educators: They can work as educators in Islamic schools, colleges, and universities, teaching Quranic studies and related subjects.
- Imams and Religious Leaders: Graduates may serve as imams in mosques, guiding communities in matters of faith and practice.
- Quranic Researchers: Opportunities exist for research positions in academic institutions, think tanks, and Islamic research centers.
- Quranic Translators: Skilled individuals may translate the Quran and related Islamic texts into various languages for wider dissemination.
- Community Outreach: Graduates can engage in community outreach programs, educating and counseling individuals on Quranic teachings.
- Media and Publishing: There are opportunities in media, publishing, and journalism, contributing articles, books, and multimedia content on Quranic topics.
- Counseling and Spiritual Guidance: They can provide counseling services and spiritual guidance, addressing the religious and emotional needs of individuals and communities.
Bs Programme
Semester 1 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1000 | Arabic – 1 / 1 اللغة العربية | 2 |
BSIS 1001 | English اللغة الإنجليزية | 2 |
BSIS 1002 | Islamic Culture / الثقافة الإسلامية | 3 |
BSIS 1003 | السيرة النبوية 1 / Seerah Studies 1 | 3 |
BSIS 1004 | Introduction to Fiqh of Ibadat / المدخل إلى فقه العبادات | 3 |
BSIS 1005 | مدخل إلى علم العقيدة / Introduction to Aqeeda Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1006 | قرآن كريم 1 | 2 |
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Semester 2 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1007 | Arabic – 2 / 2 اللغة العربية | 3 |
BSIS 1008 | تاريخ دراسة الأديان / History of Religions Studies | 2 |
BSIS 1009 | Introduction to Quranic Studies / المدخل إلى علم التفسير | 3 |
BSIS 1010 | Righteous Caliphate / الخلافة الراشدة 1 | 2 |
BSIS 1011 | Introduction to Hadith Studies / المدخل إلى علم الحديث | 3 |
BSIS 1012 | القيم الحضارية والإنسانية في الإسلام / The Cultural and Human Values in Islam | 2 |
BSIS 1013 | Introduction to the Dawah Studies / المدخل إلى علم الدعوة | 3 |
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Semester 3 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1014 | المدخل إلى علم الفقه / Introduction to Fiqh Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1015 | توحيد 1 / Tawheed 1 | 3 |
BSIS 1016 | علوم القرآن 1 / Quran Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1017 | مصطلح الحديث 1 / Terminologies of Hadith | 3 |
BSIS 1018 | قرآن كريم 2 | 2 |
BSIS 1019 | معالم الشريعة الإسلامية / Features of Islamic Law | 2 |
BSIS 1020 | تيارات فكرية معاصرة / Contemporary intellectual Streams | 2 |
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Semester 4 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1021 | الفرق والمذاهب 1 / Religions and Sects | 3 |
BSIS 1022 | الوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة ( علوم الحاسب ) / Computer Sciences | 3 |
BSIS 1023 | Social Sciences / علم الاجتماع | 3 |
BSIS 1024 | أثر الحضارة الإسلامية في الحضارة الغربية / Impact of Islamic Civilization on Western Civilization | 3 |
BSIS 1025 | مبادئ الاقتصاد الإسلامي / Principles of Islamic Economics | 2 |
BSIS 1026 | الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة النبوية / Scientific Miracle in Quran and Sunnah | 2 |
BSIS 1027 | نظم الحكم والإدارة / Governence System and its Management | 2 |
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Semester 5 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSTQ 1028 | تفسير 1 / Tafseer 1 | 3 |
BSTQ 1029 | الاجتهاد وضوابطه / Ijtihad and its Regulations | 2 |
BSTQ 1030 | علم القراءات 1 / Qiraat Studies 1 | 3 |
BSTQ 1031 | مقومات الدعوة والداعية / The Components of Propagation and the Propagator | 3 |
BSTQ 1032 | قرآن كريم 3 | 3 |
BSTQ 1033 | Ethics of Dialogue / آداب الحوار في الإسلام | 2 |
BSTQ 1034 | جهود علماء التفسير بقارة أفريقيا / The Efforts of Scholars of Interpretation (Tafsir) in the African Continent | 2 |
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Semester 6 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSTQ 1035 | تفسير 2 / Tafseer 2 | 3 |
BSTQ 1036 | الجوانب التربوية في السيرة النبوية / The educational aspects Seerah | 3 |
BSTQ 1037 | قرآن كريم 4 | 2 |
BSTQ 1038 | رواد التجديد في العصر الحديث / Pioneers of innovation in the modern era | 2 |
BSTQ 1039 | جهود علماء التفسير في قارة آسيا / The Efforts of Scholars of Interpretation (Tafsir) in the Asian Continen | 3 |
BSTQ 1040 | الفنون والعمارة في القرآن الكريم / Islamic arts and architecture in Quran | 2 |
BSTQ 1041 | الإنسان في القرآن / The Human Being in the Quran | 3 |
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Semester 7 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSTQ 1042 | History of Tafseer and Methodologies of Mufassirin / تاريخ التفسير ومناهج المفسرين | 3 |
BSTQ 1043 | جهود العلماء المعاصرين في التفسير / The Efforts of Contemporary Scholars in Interpretation (Tafsir) | 2 |
BSTQ 1044 | تفسير 2 / Tafseer 2 | 3 |
BSTQ 1045 | قرآن كريم 5 | 2 |
BSTQ 1046 | تاريخ القرآن / History of Quran | 3 |
BSTQ 1047 | علم القراءات 2 /Qiraat Studies 2 | 3 |
BSTQ 1048 | التفسير الفقهي / Juristic Tafseer | 2 |
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Semester 8 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSTQ 1049 | علوم القرآن 2 / Quran Studies 2 | 3 |
BSTQ 1050 | منهج المفسرين في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية | 2 |
BSTQ 1051 | أصول التفسير / Rules of Tafseer | 2 |
BSTQ 1052 | قرآن كريم 6 | 2 |
BSTQ 1053 | الاتجاهات الحديثة في التفسير / Modern Trends in Tafseer | 3 |
BSTQ 1054 | التفسير التحليلي / Analytical Tafseer | 3 |
BSTQ 1055 | مناهج البحث العلمي / Research Methodology | 3 |
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MS Programme
Semester 1 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSTQ 1230 | كتب التفاسير.. نماذج وتطبيقات / Tafseer Books | 3 |
MSTQ 1231 | علوم القرآن / Quran Studies | 3 |
MSTQ 1232 | علماء التفسير المعاصرين / Contemporary Ulama of Tafseer | 3 |
MSTQ 1233 | علم القراءات / Qiraat Studies | 3 |
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Semester 2 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSTQ 1234 | جهود العلماء المعاصرين في التفسير Efforts of Contemporary Ulama in Tafseer | 3 |
MSTQ 1235 | Methodology of Mufassareen / مناهج المفسرين | 3 |
MSTQ 1236 | التفسير .. نماذج وتطبيقات / The Tafseer | 3 |
MSTQ 1237 | Research Project /مناهج البحث العلمي | 3 |
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