Department of Geography
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- Department of Geography
The Department of Geography typically focuses on the study of the Earth’s landscapes, environments, and the interactions between humans and their surroundings. It encompasses various branches such as physical geography, human geography, geographic information systems (GIS), environmental geography, geospatial analysis, cultural geography, and regional geography. Students explore topics ranging from natural processes and phenomena to human activities and their impacts on the environment. The department often emphasizes fieldwork, research, and the application of geospatial technologies to address real-world problems. Graduates of geography programs are prepared for diverse career opportunities in fields such as urban planning, environmental management, cartography, GIS analysis, international development, and academia.
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Opportunities
The Department of Geography typically aims to equip students with a range of learning outcomes, including:
Spatial Analysis Skills: Students learn to analyze spatial data using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other tools to understand patterns, relationships, and processes in the environment.
Critical Thinking: Students develop critical thinking skills to evaluate geographic information, assess its reliability, and draw conclusions based on evidence and analysis.
Communication Skills: Through written reports, oral presentations, and map production, students learn to effectively communicate geographic concepts, findings, and recommendations to diverse audiences.
Environmental Awareness: Students gain an understanding of environmental processes, such as climate change, land use change, and natural hazards, and their impacts on society and ecosystems.
Fieldwork and Research Methods: Students acquire practical fieldwork and research skills, including data collection techniques, survey design, and statistical analysis, to investigate geographic phenomena and solve real-world problems.
Global Perspective: Students develop a global perspective by studying the interconnectedness of human and natural systems across different regions and cultures, and understanding the spatial dimensions of global issues.
Sustainability: Students explore concepts of sustainability and learn how to promote environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic viability in geographic research and practice.
Ethical Considerations: Students are introduced to ethical considerations in geographic research and practice, including issues related to data privacy, social justice, and environmental responsibility.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Students learn to collaborate with professionals from diverse disciplines, such as urban planning, environmental science, and public health, to address complex geographic challenges.
Lifelong Learning: Students cultivate a passion for lifelong learning and professional development, staying abreast of advances in geographic theory, technology, and practice throughout their careers.
Graduates of the Department of Geography have a wide range of career opportunities available to them, including:
Urban Planner: Involves designing land use plans, zoning regulations, and transportation networks to enhance urban environments and promote sustainable development.
Environmental Consultant: Works with organizations to assess and mitigate environmental impacts, develop conservation strategies, and ensure compliance with regulations.
GIS Specialist: Utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) to analyze spatial data, create maps, and support decision-making in fields such as urban planning, natural resource management, and emergency response.
Cartographer: Designs and produces maps, atlases, and other geospatial products for various purposes, including navigation, education, and research.
Conservation Scientist: Conducts research and develops strategies to protect natural resources, manage ecosystems, and address environmental challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
Remote Sensing Analyst: Uses satellite imagery and other remote sensing technologies to monitor environmental changes, assess land use patterns, and support environmental management efforts.
Geospatial Analyst: Applies geospatial techniques and tools to analyze spatial data, solve complex problems, and support decision-making in diverse fields such as business, government, and public health.
Transportation Planner: Designs and evaluates transportation systems, including roads, railways, and public transit networks, to improve efficiency, safety, and accessibility.
Economic Development Specialist: Works to stimulate economic growth and improve living standards in communities by identifying opportunities for investment, job creation, and infrastructure development.
Geographic Educator: Teaches geography at the K-12 level or in higher education institutions, inspiring students to understand the world around them and develop critical thinking skills.
Bs Programme
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1302 | Arabic – 1 / 1 اللغة العربية | 3 |
BSAH 1303 | English اللغة الإنجليزية | 3 |
BSAH 1304 | مدخل إلى فقه العبادات | 2 |
BSAH 1305 | Sociology / مدخل علم الاجتماع | 3 |
BSAH 1306 | AHPSchology / مدخل علم النفس | 2 |
BSAH 1307 | History / تمهيد لدراسة التاريخ | 3 |
BSAH 1308 | Geography مدخل إلى علم الجغرافيا / | 2 |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1309 | تيارات فكرية معاصر / Contemporary Intellectual Trends | 3 |
BSAH 1310 | أثر الحضارة العربية في الحضارة الغربية / The Impact of Arab Civilization on Western Civilization | 3 |
BSAH 1311 | مدخل إلى مصطلح الحديث / An Introduction to the Terminology of Hadith | 3 |
BSAH 1312 | الحاسوب / The Computer | 3 |
BSAH 1313 | قرآن كريم / The Holy Quran | 3 |
BSAH 1314 | جوانب تربوية في السيرة النبوية / Educational Aspects in the Prophetic Biography (Seerah) | 3 |
BSAH 1315 | مدخل إلى علم الأخلاق / An Introduction to the Science of Ethics | 3 |
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Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1316 | أسس علم الاجتماع / The Foundations of Sociology | 3 |
BSAH 1317 | الجغرافيا البشرية / Geography | 3 |
BSAH 1318 | اللغة العربية / Arabic | 3 |
BSAH 1319 | تمهيد لدراسة العقيدة | 3 |
BSAH 1320 | علم النفس / AHPSchology | 3 |
BSAH 1321 | اللغات الأجنبية / Languages | 3 |
BSAH 1322 | مدخل إلى علم التصوف / An Introduction to the Science of Sufism | 3 |
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Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1323 | التاريخ الحديث / History | 3 |
BSAH 1324 | علم النفس 3 / AHPSchology | 3 |
BSAH 1325 | Social Sciences / علم الاجتماع3 | 3 |
BSAH 1326 | الجغرافيا الطبيعية / Geography | 3 |
BSAH 1327 | العربية 3 اللغة / Arabic | 3 |
BSAH 1328 | الفكر الإسلامي / Islamic studies | 3 |
BSAH 1329 | الفلسفة / Philosophy | 3 |
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Semester 5
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | ||
BSGE 1427 | جغرافية الصناعة والتعدين / Industrial and Mining Geography | 3 | ||
BSGE 1428 | جغرافية العالم الجديد / New World Geography | 3 | ||
BSGE 1429 | جغرافية أفريقيا وحوض النيل / Geography of Africa and the Nile Basin | 3 | ||
BSGE 1430 | الوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة ( علوم الحاسب ) / Computer Sciences | 3 | ||
BSGE 1431 | مقدمة في نظم المعلومات الجغرافية / Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | 3 | ||
BSGE 1432 | جغرافية الطاقة / Energy Geography | 3 | ||
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Semester 6
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSGE 1433 | جغرافية المياه / Water Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1434 | مقدمة في الاستشعار عن بعد / Introduction to Remote Sensing | 3 | |
BSGE 1435 | نصوص جغرافية متخصصة ( باللغة الإنجليزية) / Specialized Geographic Texts (in English) | 3 | |
BSGE 1436 | التنمية البشرية / Human Development | 3 | |
BSGE 1437 | جغرافية الاتصالات / Communication Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1438 | تاريخ أفريقيا الحديث والمعاصر / Modern and Contemporary History of Africa | 3 | |
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Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSGE 1439 | جغرافية السياحة / Tourism Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1440 | التخطيط الإقليمي / Regional Planning | 3 | |
BSGE 1441 | مهارات البحث الجغرافي / “Geographical Research Skills.” | 3 | |
BSGE 1442 | جغرافية التنمية / Development Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1442 | تاريخ آسيا الحديث والمعاصر / Modern and Contemporary History of Asia | 3 | |
BSGE 1444 | جغرافية الخدمات / “Service Geography.” | 3 | |
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Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSGE 1445 | الجغرافيا السياسية / Political Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1446 | التوطن الصناعي / Industrial Localization | 3 | |
BSGE 1447 | الإحصاء الجغرافي / “Geographical Statistics.” | 3 | |
BSGE 1448 | مشروع تخرج / Graduation Project | 3 | |
BSGE 1449 | جغرافية الجريمة / Crime Geography | 3 | |
BSGE 1450 | الجغرافيا الطبية / Medical Geography | 3 | |
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MS Programme
Semester 1
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSGE 1547 | الجغرافيا الاقتصادية والتنمية / Economic and Development Geography | 3 |
MSGE 1548 | الدراسات السكانية والتنمية المستدامة / Population Studies and Sustainable Development | 3 |
MSGE 1549 | العمران والتخطيط الحضري / Urbanization and Urban Planning | 3 |
MSGE 1550 | الدراسات المناخية والجغرافيا الحيوية / Climatic Studies and Biogeography | 3 |
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Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSGE 1551 | تطبيقات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد / Applications of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing | 3 |
MSGE 1552 | أساليب متقدمة في التحليل الجغرافي / Advanced Methods in Geographic Analysis | 3 |
MSGE 1553 | جغرافيا العالم الإسلامي / The geography of the Islamic world | 3 |
MSGE 1554 | مناهج بحث في علم الجغرافيا / Approaches to Research in Geography | 3 |
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