Department of Dawah And Islamic Culture
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- Department of Dawah And Islamic Culture
The Department of Da’wah and Islamic Culture at Afro-Asian University focuses on educating students about Islamic outreach and cultural dissemination. It covers various aspects such as Islamic outreach methods, cultural heritage, ethics, interfaith dialogue, media utilization, community engagement, and leadership skills. The department aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively convey the message of Islam and promote Islamic values within diverse communities.
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Opportunities
The Department of Da’wah and Islamic Culture at Afro-Asian University aims to equip students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in Islamic outreach, cultural education, and community engagement. The learning outcomes include:
Understanding of Islamic Principles: Graduates will demonstrate a deep understanding of Islamic beliefs, practices, and values, enabling them to effectively convey the message of Islam to diverse audiences.
Communication Skills: Students will develop strong communication skills, including public speaking, writing, and interpersonal communication, to articulate Islamic teachings persuasively and engage in constructive dialogue with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
Cultural Competence: Graduates will acquire cultural competence and sensitivity, enabling them to promote Islamic culture and heritage while respecting and appreciating the diversity of cultural perspectives and traditions.
Outreach Strategies: Students will learn effective strategies and methods for Islamic outreach, including da’wah techniques, community organizing, and media engagement, to effectively convey the message of Islam and address misconceptions.
Critical Thinking: Graduates will cultivate critical thinking skills and analytical abilities, allowing them to critically evaluate information, respond to contemporary challenges, and engage in intellectual discourse within the context of Islamic teachings.
Ethical Conduct: Students will uphold ethical standards and moral principles in their da’wah efforts and community engagement activities, demonstrating integrity, compassion, and respect for human dignity.
Leadership and Teamwork: Graduates will develop leadership skills and the ability to work collaboratively in teams, empowering them to lead Islamic initiatives, organize community events, and foster positive social change.
Research and Scholarship: Students will engage in research and scholarly inquiry in the field of Islamic studies and da’wah, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the development of innovative approaches to Islamic outreach and cultural education.
Community Engagement: Graduates will actively participate in community service and outreach projects, demonstrating a commitment to serving the needs of diverse communities and promoting social justice and humanitarian values rooted in Islamic teachings.
Lifelong Learning: Students will cultivate a commitment to lifelong learning and personal development, continuously seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam, enhance their skills, and adapt to evolving societal needs and challenges.
Graduates from the Department of Da’wah and Islamic Culture at Afro-Asian University can pursue a variety of career opportunities in the field of Islamic outreach, cultural education, and community engagement. Some potential career paths include:
- Da’i (Islamic missionary): Engaging in outreach activities to spread the message of Islam and promote understanding of Islamic teachings.
- Islamic educator: Teaching Islamic studies, ethics, and cultural heritage in schools, colleges, or Islamic institutions.
- Community organizer: Working with mosques, Islamic centers, or non-profit organizations to organize community events, educational programs, and outreach initiatives.
- Interfaith coordinator: Facilitating dialogue and collaboration between different religious communities to promote mutual understanding and cooperation.
- Media specialist: Using various media platforms such as television, radio, social media, and publications to disseminate Islamic teachings and promote cultural awareness.
- Researcher: Conducting research on topics related to Islamic outreach, cultural exchange, and community development.
- Counselor: Providing spiritual and moral guidance to individuals and communities based on Islamic principles.
- NGO worker: Collaborating with non-governmental organizations involved in humanitarian work, social services, and community development projects with an Islamic focus.
- Government advisor: Providing expertise on Islamic affairs, cultural integration, and community engagement to government agencies and policymakers.
- International relations specialist: Working in diplomatic missions or international organizations to promote Islamic values, intercultural dialogue, and global peace initiatives.
Bs Programme
Semester 1 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1000 | Arabic – 1 / 1 اللغة العربية | 2 |
BSIS 1001 | English اللغة الإنجليزية | 2 |
BSIS 1002 | Islamic Culture / الثقافة الإسلامية | 3 |
BSIS 1003 | السيرة النبوية 1 / Seerah Studies 1 | 3 |
BSIS 1004 | Introduction to Fiqh of Ibadat / المدخل إلى فقه العبادات | 3 |
BSIS 1005 | مدخل إلى علم العقيدة / Introduction to Aqeeda Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1006 | قرآن كريم 1 | 2 |
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Semester 2 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1007 | Arabic – 2 / 2 اللغة العربية | 3 |
BSIS 1008 | تاريخ دراسة الأديان / History of Religions Studies | 2 |
BSIS 1009 | Introduction to Quranic Studies / المدخل إلى علم التفسير | 3 |
BSIS 1010 | Righteous Caliphate / الخلافة الراشدة 1 | 2 |
BSIS 1011 | Introduction to Hadith Studies / المدخل إلى علم الحديث | 3 |
BSIS 1012 | القيم الحضارية والإنسانية في الإسلام / The Cultural and Human Values in Islam | 2 |
BSIS 1013 | Introduction to the Dawah Studies / المدخل إلى علم الدعوة | 3 |
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Semester 3 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1014 | المدخل إلى علم الفقه / Introduction to Fiqh Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1015 | توحيد 1 / Tawheed 1 | 3 |
BSIS 1016 | علوم القرآن 1 / Quran Studies | 3 |
BSIS 1017 | مصطلح الحديث 1 / Terminologies of Hadith | 3 |
BSIS 1018 | قرآن كريم 2 | 2 |
BSIS 1019 | معالم الشريعة الإسلامية / Features of Islamic Law | 2 |
BSIS 1020 | تيارات فكرية معاصرة / Contemporary intellectual Streams | 2 |
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Semester 4 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSIS 1021 | الفرق والمذاهب 1 / Religions and Sects | 3 |
BSIS 1022 | الوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة ( علوم الحاسب ) / Computer Sciences | 3 |
BSIS 1023 | Social Sciences / علم الاجتماع | 3 |
BSIS 1024 | أثر الحضارة الإسلامية في الحضارة الغربية / Impact of Islamic Civilization on Western Civilization | 3 |
BSIS 1025 | مبادئ الاقتصاد الإسلامي / Principles of Islamic Economics | 2 |
BSIS 1026 | الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة النبوية / Scientific Miracle in Quran and Sunnah | 2 |
BSIS 1027 | نظم الحكم والإدارة / Governence System and its Management | 2 |
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Semester 5 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSDI 1114 | قضايا دعوية معاصرة / Modern issues in Dawah | 3 |
BSDI 1115 | إدارة الأعمال الدعوية / Management of Dawah | 2 |
BSDI 1116 | فقه الدعوة / Fiqh of Dawah | 3 |
BSDI 1117 | قرآن كريم 3 | 2 |
BSDI 1118 | Modern Intellectual trends in the West | 3 |
BSIDI 1119 | حقوق الأقليات / Rights of Minorities | 2 |
BSDI 1120 | علم النفس / Psychology | 3 |
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Semester 6 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSDI 1121 | مناهج الدعوة | 3 |
BSDI 1122 | الوسائل والأساليب الدعوية | 3 |
BSDI 1123 | مشكلات الدعوة والدعاة وطرق المعالجة | 2 |
BSDI 1124 | مقومات الدعوة والدعوة 2 | 3 |
BSDI 1125 | قرآن كريم 4 | 2 |
BSDI 1126 | المنهج الدعوي في القرآن والسنة | 3 |
BSDI 1127 | الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة النبوية / Scientific Miracle in Quran and Sunnah | 2 |
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Semester 7 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSDI 1128 | فقه السيرة | 3 |
BSDI 1129 | Methedologies of Prophets in Da‘wah / مناهج الأنبياء في الدعوة | 3 |
BSDI 1130 | مقومات ووسائل الإعلام / Basics of Mass Communication | 2 |
BSDI 1131 | أصول الدعوة ووسائلها وأساليبها / Rules of Dawah, Sources and Methods | 3 |
BSDI 1132 | قرآن كريم 5 | 2 |
BSIDI 1133 | الدعوة في ضوء القرآن والسنة / Dawah in the light of Quran and Sunnah | 3 |
BSDI 1134 | تجديد الخطاب الدعوي في ضوء رسائل النور / Renewal of Khitabah of Dawah in the light of Risail al Noor | 2 |
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Semester 8 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSDI 1135 | Research Project / مناهج البحث العلمي | 3 |
BSDI 1136 | تكنولوجيا الاتصال والدعوة | 2 |
BSDI 1137 | نماذج من الدعوة والدعاة | 2 |
BSDI 1138 | الأخلاق | 3 |
BSDI 1139 | قرآن كريم 5 | 2 |
BSDI 1140 | أدب الاختلاف في الإسلام | 3 |
BSDI 1141 | الدعوة في عصر النبوة والصحابة .. نماذج وتطبيقات | 3 |
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MS Programme
Semester 1 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSDI 1246 | الدعوة الإسلامية في ضوء الكتاب والسنة / Dawah in the light of Quran and Sunnah | 3 |
MSIDI 1247 | فقه الدعوة والإصلاح / Fiqh of Dawah and Reform | 3 |
MSDI 1248 | الجوانب التربوية في السيرة النبوية / Educational aspects of Seerah | 3 |
MSDI 1249 | الخطاب الدعوي التجديدي في ضوء رسائل النور Renewal Khitab of Dawah in the light of Risail al Noor | 3 |
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Semester 2 | ||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSDI 1250 | الدعوة والدعاة .. نماذج وتطبيقات Dawah and Preachers | 3 |
MSDI 1251 | منهج الأنبياء في الدعوة والإصلاح Methods of Prophets in Dawah and Reform | 3 |
MSDI 1252 | مقومات الدعوة والداعية Basics of Dawah and Preacher | 3 |
MSDI 1253 | منهج البحث العلمي Research Methodology | 3 |
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